David A. Mellis, Sam Jacoby, Leah Buechley, Hannah Perner-Wilson, and Jie Qi. 2013. Microcontrollers as material: crafting circuits with paper, conductive ink, electronic components, and an “untoolkit”. In Proceedings … more

Jennifer Jacobs and Leah Buechley. 2013. Codeable objects: computational design and digital fabrication for novice programmers. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’13). … more

We were invited to conduct a lamp-building workshop at the Stanford Transformative Technologies Learning Lab using a new version of the Codeable Objects lamp software. During the workshop, educators used … more

The Tiny AVR Programmer is now available from SparkFun Electronics. This programmer, developed by David A. Mellis in High-Low Tech, makes it easy to program the low-cost ATtiny45/85 and ATtiny44/84 … more

Untoolkit paper

David A. Mellis, Sam Jacoby, Leah Buechley, Hannah Perner-Wilson, and Jie Qi. 2013. Microcontrollers as material: crafting circuits with paper, conductive ink, electronic components, and an “untoolkit”. In Proceedings … more


Codeable Objects Paper

Jennifer Jacobs and Leah Buechley. 2013. Codeable objects: computational design and digital fabrication for novice programmers. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’13). … more


Fab Learn Conference

We were invited to conduct a lamp-building workshop at the Stanford Transformative Technologies Learning Lab using a new version of the Codeable Objects lamp software. During the workshop, educators used … more


Tiny AVR Programmer available from SparkFun

The Tiny AVR Programmer is now available from SparkFun Electronics. This programmer, developed by David A. Mellis in High-Low Tech, makes it easy to program the low-cost ATtiny45/85 and ATtiny44/84 … more